Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Letter to Parents

May 20, 2014
Dear Parents,

Congratulations upon your child’s completion of 7th grade! We have covered an extraordinary amount of materials and participated, created, and presented many fun and exciting projects. We have continued to develop skills needed for eighth grade, high school, and beyond.

Your child brought much joy and happiness to my classroom. I was fortunate to have such a diverse and talented group of students this year.  They all have touched my life in positive ways including many witnessing moments when their Christian light shines. I look forward to next year when I will see your child in my American History class and can build on the relationships we started during this year.

It has been my pleasure getting to know not only your child, but you as well. Having parental support and open lines of communication is an essential part of any successful school year. Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do on behalf of your child’s academic and spiritual life.

As your child moves on in their educational career, there are some very important things you can do to help them succeed:
  • Make worship a priority in your home.  Our faith grows strong when it is fed through the Word of God.
  • Engage in meaningful conversations with your child everyday.  Take time to really listen to what they have to say; they are quite insightful and love to discuss and question topics related to faith, culture, and current events (I experienced this first hand every single day).
  • Help your child develop a sense of working and solving problems independently. 
  • Talk about and practice ways to stay organized.
  • Encourage your child to read and write often!! Upper level education requires more writing than ever before; the development of these skills is crucial to success in 21st century education.
These little things will lead to big successes next year and in your child’s future.

Thank you for a wonderful and memorable year.

Have a fun and relaxing summer enjoying the time together as a family.

In Christ’s Love and Care,

Mrs. Kimberly Cluck

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”
1 John 4:9

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