Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Weeks 14-15

Generosity Abounds
Thank you for modeling such amazing service and generosity to your children throughout the school year.  I know this time of year seems to be heavily loaded with giving and your children are learning just how important it is to have a servant's heart.  Here are a few updates of service opportunities happening at Zion.

Chapel Offering 2016-2017
We continue to collect offering during chapel on Wednesday, however our classroom has a jar where offering can be brought in at anytime!  As a school we are trying to by a Bible for each preschool classroom in the country of Belize.  We have reached 220 out of 600 needed.  Each Bible cost $11.  Our class alone has brought in $55 toward that goal -- keep collecting loose change and support this mission.

Jr. High USO Project
Our jr. high service project supporting the USO continues (walk-a-thon back in Sept.) as we collect needed items for comfort bags given to troops as they travel from airport to airport.  *See picture below of needed items.  This project is in the place of students exchanging Christmas gifts.  If every student could donate a $5-10 gift we could pack LOTS of comfort bags for our troops. 

Thanksgiving GIVING!
Zion's Thanksgiving food/items drive was a huge success and our student council members had a blast delivering the dinner boxes to the Seminarians who were overwhelmed with thankful hearts.  Stucco was also able to stock the Seminary food bank selves with all extra items -- the selves went from bare to full in just a few hours time!

 3D Art
7th graders worked hard to master the 3D effect using shading and blending techniques on their last art project.  Nice job!

Christmas wreaths are due ...
7C Wednesday the 31st
7M Friday the 2nd

The Advent Season is here...Now, we WAIT...

Blessings on your Thanksgiving celebrations, may they be a time of relaxation and fun with family and friends,

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week 12-13

November is here and we will be flying through holidays and the new year before we know it!

Congratulations to the LHS spelling bee contestants from 7th grade: Joseph, Alex, Kanin, Micah, Logan, and Berkley -- You will represent us well!

Students participated in a fun literature writing activity this week (see pictures below).  Students created a pipe-cleaner creation and then were asked to write a "how-to" for their creation.  We talked about the importance of word choice and self editing.  Students then switched with a friend and tried to follow the directions and make an exact replica without speaking with their partner.  Some creations were made flawlessly and others did not match at all!

Student Council is once again hosting a Thanksgiving food drive supporting the Seminarians at the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis (earlier field trip this year).  Zion, as a school, will gather donations (food, toiletries, and monetary) and pack 20 Thanksgiving dinners for Seminarians who will not travel home for the holiday.  Student Council members will pack the boxes and deliver them next Friday (11/18).  While they are there they will also stock the Seminary food bank with all extra donations.  The jr. high is asked to donate toiletry items as chapel offering Wednesday the 16th (nonperishable food items will also be accepted).

Body Wash
Cleaning Supplies

Kitchen Supplies

Friday the 18th...MidQuarter & Spirit Day

The Jr. High will hold a special Veterans Day Chapel Friday, Nov. 11 at 8:10am in the church sanctuary.  Please join us if available for a time of honor and recognition.

Blessings on your week,