Saturday, April 28, 2012

April Field Trips

Jefferson City & the St. Louis Concordia Seminary -- Great Times With Great People

 Outside the Governor's Mansion

 The Capitol Building: Awesome tour with viewing of both the Senate & the House in session

Missouri Military Museum: Ian dressed like a Soldier

 Outside the Chapel of St. Timothy & Titus (St. Louis Seminary)


Waiting for our tour to begin

Did You Miss Us?

Did You Miss Our Posts?

 Spring has Sprung & our class continues to be busy through these warm and cool temperatures.

 Lent Matchstick Crosses -- turned out beautifully!

 Art Class brought Still Life Mosaics

 Sometimes in life we get stuck, but faith, friends, and family can get us through those stuck moments :)

 Working on our NonObjective Art project inspired by Kandinsky

 It seems like the season of birthday treats -- very creative & delicious!